JMA第十二届国际编委会会议顺利举行 发布时间:2024-07-15

202474-6日,永利官网国际学术期刊《管理分析学报(英文)》 Journal of Management Analytics,简称JMA)在维也纳经济大学(WU)召开了第十二届国际编委会会议。JMA方面线下参会人员有:永利官网前副院长才凤艳教授、JMA主编李垣教授、执行主编万国华教授、副主编蒋炜教授、副主编张鹏翥教授、副主编Josip Stjepandic博士(德国)、编委会成员刘益教授、安泰期刊中心JMA编辑部黄敏妍老师和徐运周老师。线上参会人员有:JMA共同主编Lida Xu教授(美国)、副主编Lingxia Li教授(美国)、副主编Eric Zheng教授(美国)、副主编Michael Haenlein教授(法国)。


On July 4-6th, 2024, Journal of Management Analytics (JMA), founded by Antai College of Economics and Management“Antai” in short, held its 12th Editorial Board Meeting at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). Onsite attendees include Professor Fengyan Cai (former Vice Dean of Antai), Professor Yuan Li (Editors-in-Chief of JMA),Professor Guohua Wan (Executive Editor), Professor Wei Jiang (Associate Editor), Professor Pengzhu Zhang (Associate Editor), Doctor Josip Stjepandic (Associate Editor, Germany), Professor Yi Liu (Editorial Board member), Huang Minyan and Xu Yunzhou (JMA Editorial Office, Antai Journal Center). Online attendees include Professor Lida Xu (Editors-in-Chief of JMA, USA), Professor Lingxia Li (Associate Editor, USA), Professor Eric Zheng (Associate Editor, USA), and Professor Michael Haenlein (Associate Editor, France).


编委会会议由万国华教授主持。首先,主编李垣教授致欢迎辞。李垣教授介绍了本次编委会的主旨:应对JMA在新的发展阶段中遇到的挑战,将期刊提升到新的高度。其次,编辑部黄敏妍老师围绕JMA一年来的发展情况以及编辑部重点工作向编委会作了工作报告。JMA2024年的最新影响因子为3.6,继续位列社会科学大类数理方法小类Q1区;最新CiteScore13.3,在细分领域分别排名前1%#2/168)、前1%#3/278)和前2%#4/189)。随后,编委们针对编委队伍建设、审稿进程优化、期刊宣传推广等关键问题展开讨论,并拟定了下一年度JMA编委会和特刊研讨会的安排。最后,共同主编Lida Xu教授作了总结发言。


The Editorial Board Meeting was hosted by Professor Guohua Wan. Firstly, Professor Yuan Li delivered a welcome speech. Secondly, Huang Minyan reported the development and key events of JMA over the past year to the Editorial Board. The latest Impact Factor of JMA is 3.6 (Q1 in Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods). The latest CiteScore is 13.3, ranked in the top 1% (# 2/168), top 1% (# 3/278), and top 2% (# 4/189) in three disciplines. Subsequently, the Board discussed key issues such as Editorial Board development, peer-review process improvement, and promotion of JMA. The Board also made plans about the 2025 Editorial Board Meeting and the 2025 Special Issue Symposium. Finally, Professor Lida Xu made a concluding speech.


在维也纳经济大学期间,JMA一行会见了WU有关领导。WU副校长Bernadette Kamleitner教授、中东欧及新兴市场竞争中心主任Dionisi Nikolov博士、学术主任Miska Christof教授、组织中的性别与多样性研究中心负责人Marie-Therese Clae教授分别作了机构介绍。随后,WU组织相关领域师生与JMA开展了学术期刊发表策略以及博士生学术生涯解惑方面的研讨,共有WU师生10余人参与讨论。通过交流研讨,WU师生们了解到JMA十年来的发展历程和累累硕果,并纷纷表示赞赏。对于编委们提出的建议,他们也感到十分受益,表示愿意深化与JMA的往来,探索更多合作机会。


During the stay in Vienna, the JMA delegation met with leaders from WU. Professor Bernadette Kamleitner (Vice-rector for Research and Third Mission of WU), Dr. Dionisi Nikolov (Director of the Competence Center for Emerging Markets & Central and Eastern Europe), Professor Miska Christof (Academic Director of the Competence Center for EM&CEE), and Professor Marie Therese Clae (Head of the Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations), gave institutional introductions respectively. Later, WU organized a seminar on academic journal publication strategies and PhD student academic career development between WU and JMA, with more than 10 scholars and students from WU participating in the discussion. WU teachers and students learned about JMA's development process and fruitful achievements over the past decade, and expressed their appreciation. They also benefited greatly from the suggestions by the editorial board members and expressed their wish to explore more opportunities for cooperation in the future.



As long-term partners, Antai and WU have maintained active exchanges in college education, scientific research, international cooperation, and other aspects for many years. JMA's visit to WU is not only a key measure for JMA to expand its influence in Europe but also an important foundation for Antai and WU to deepen friendship and explore further cooperation.
