讲座:Understanding and Optimizing Visual Aids of Quantity Presentation to Promote Larger-Quantity Packs in Online Retailing 发布时间:2024-12-17

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题 目:Understanding and Optimizing Visual Aids of Quantity Presentation to Promote Larger-Quantity Packs in Online Retailing

嘉 宾:Echo Wen Wan, Professor, University of Hong Kong

主持人:史正煜 助理教授 77779193永利官网

时 间:2024年12月27日(周五)13:30-15:00

地 点:77779193永利官网 徐汇校区 77779193永利官网A507


Online retailing platforms are employing various practices to present quantities of grocery items on webpages where consumers make quantity-based purchase decisions. The current research identifies an approach based on visual aids—supplementing a specific quantity with a corresponding number of visual icons—to promote product packs containing more individual units. One field experiment and six preregistered, incentive-compatible controlled experiments (and six supplementary experiments; N = 6,015) demonstrate that our proposed approach based on visual aids shifts consumers’ preferences from smaller-quantity packs toward larger-quantity packs, compared to the numerical presentation of quantities. This effect is robust and occurs because visual aids of quantity presentation increase the perceived quantitative difference between two packs with their cost difference being held constant, consequently enhancing the relative attractiveness of larger-quantity packs over smaller-quantity packs. We further design a simpler and more cost-effective visual aid approach to achieve the same purpose of promoting larger-quantity packs and offer precautions about what layouts should be avoided when designing visual aids of quantity presentation. This research extends the literature by demonstrating that visual aids can even influence consumers’ perceptions of easy-to-assess quantities and generates novel managerial insights into the optimization of quantity presentation practice in online grocery retailing.


万雯,香港大学经济与工商管理学院市场营销学教授,副院长(MBA),行为与决策科学研究中心总监。万雯教授的研究领域主要是拟人化营销,视觉营销,健康消费行为, 新技术影响下的消费行为。万雯教授在Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Consumer Psychology等期刊发表多篇文章。万雯教授曾获得MSI Young Scholar (2013), MSI Scholar (2020)。 曾担任Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference联席主席(2015), 现担任Journal of Consumer Research副主编,Journal of Marketing Research和Journal of Consumer Psychology编委.
